Administration & Management

Degree Awarded:

Length of Program:
3 semesters

Application Deadlines:
Rolling Admissions
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Degree Overview

PG电子APP在线医疗保健管理研究生证书是为已经拥有硕士学位但希望从事医疗保健管理专业的个人设计的. In the program, 你将微调你的批判性思维能力和学习不同的领导策略, such as defining business problems, assessing information, 考虑备选方案并选择最佳解决方案.

This online education program offers you:

  • 加快完成速度,快速完成课程
  • Courses are 100% online and start every six weeks
  • 旨在培养医疗保健方面的基本商业和领导技能的课程
  • 专业和知识渊博的教师专注于你的学术成功


How we prepare
the best

  • 课程设计的专业人士与硕士学位,寻求在医疗保健管理的专业化.
  • 课程可100%在线提供兼职和全日制学习选择.
  • Ability to earn your certificate in three semesters.
  • Operational or leadership track options available.
  • 六周的课程安排允许加速完成率和集中的学习计划.
  • 能够根据自己的职业目标定制课程.


Required Courses

All classes are 7.5 weeks or 6 weeks in duration

Courses Semester Hours
MB 798 - Fundamentals of Scholarly Writing in APA 1
MB 800 - Ethics in Leadership 2
Total Semester Hours 3
Required Elective Courses

学生将选择6门课程或18个学分来完成证书课程. All classes are 7.5 weeks or 6 weeks in duration

Courses Semester Hours
MB 802 - Healthcare Delivery Systems 3
MB 808 - Healthcare Leadership 3
◊ MB 818 - Organizational Behavior 3
MB 813 - Healthcare Law and Policy 3
MB 819 - Human Resources 3
MB 821 - Healthcare Data Analytics 3
MB 826 - Healthcare Strategic Management 3
MB 828 - Financial Management in Healthcare 3
MB 833 - Healthcare Quality and Risk Management 3
MB 836 - Healthcare Project Management 3
MB 837 - Leading Change 3
MB 839 - Healthcare Reimbursement 3
MB 846 - Fundamentals of Informatics 3
Electives 18

Tuition and Fees

Estimated rates for the 2022-23 academic year. Rates are subject to change. Find out more information about costs, tuition, and fees.


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Financial Aid

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Graduate Tuition

Cost per Credit Hour

Cost per Semester
$4,590 - Full-time (6 hrs)
$2,295 - Part-time (3 hrs)

Graduate Tuition $740 / credit-hour
Fees - Included in cost per semester
Enrollment Fee for first time students $150/ each
Degree Specific Fees - Not included in cost per semester
HCA 836 Simulation Fee $15/ class

Career Overview

Median Salary

$91,033, 2017

Job Outlook

从2016年到2026年,医疗保健管理领域预计将增长20%, much faster than the average for all occupations.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2017

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